Heartly welcomes you to my web page.I'd like to dedicate this page for our brave Heroes, who live and die for our mother land...JAI HIND... Nidheesh Nair...

My beloved Father...

My beloved Father...
Far away but always near, I hold your relationship very clear, Ever together but never apart... Still with us, and will be always in our heart...

We Deliver...

We Deliver...

Sunday 22 March 2009

Nidheesh Nair

Hello Dear & Near,

Please go thourgh my blog and keep updating....

Lovingly Your's,

Nidheesh Nair...

Varkala, Tvpm, Kerala, India.

Have a good day ahead...Ummmaaa...

Have a good day ahead...Ummmaaa...
If you look at what you do not have in life, you don't have anything, If you look at what you have in life, you have everyting...

The beauty of life does not only depends on how happy you are... But also how happy others can be... because of you...!!!

Dreams visit us when we are asleep, but GOD is truly wise, he wakes us up each day & gives us every chance to make our dreams come true !!!

What Do You See!!!

What Do You See!!!
Concentrate the center four dots in the abouve pict for 2 min, and then focus your eye sight in to a plane white back ground surface for 1 min... Did you see something?

Punnattu Kudumbam--Ente Taravadu...

Punnattu Kudumbam--Ente Taravadu...





Side View

Side View





Devi Temple

Devi Temple



Kari Vilakku

Kari Vilakku

Oru Mazhakalam - A Rainy day

Oru Mazhakalam - A Rainy day